In our hustle culture, it’s easy to continue forward without taking the pause to look back from where we came. But those periods of reflection are great drivers of growth. Over the years, I’ve participated in a number of end of year celebrations and have refined some of my favorite practices into a brief series of reflections that can be completed over two days.* You can expect these rituals to drive results - personally and professionally - in the year to follow.
Looking Back (Day 1 Practice)
Reflect on the year that was by looking through your calendar, photos or social media feed. Capture the highlights each month, recalling and reliving those periods of joy and excitement, of growth and hard work.
What were the themes that emerged from that review?
Did you spend your time in a way that is aligned with your values and priorities?
What lessons did you learn? How have you grown?
Most importantly, what will you carry with you into the upcoming year?
Take a moment to recall that version of you who lived those experiences and reflect on the themes that you observed. If you are holding onto things that you’d rather leave behind, write them down on a piece of paper. Grab a candle and a ceramic, fire-safe bowl and rip the paper into ribbons, burning each as you go over the candle’s flame. (If you’ve never done burn writing, I highly recommend it. Nothing feels better than seeing those weighty words go up in smoke)
Looking Forward (Day 2 Practice)
Kick off Day 2 with a short meditation that allows you to center yourself and connect with your intuition. If you have access to tarot or oracle cards, feel free to channel that energy into a card pull.
Review the highlights from yesterday’s session, consider the main categories of what a balanced life looks like for you. Craft a few goals that outline ways to support each of those areas of focus. (If you get stuck, use these broad categories: Health, Wealth, Self, Community)
Next, make a list of at least 24 dreams and desires. This is NOT a to-do list. There is no timeline. This collection of ideas represents your hopes and wishes both big and small for future you. If you have more than 24 - keep going! When was the last time you removed the constraints and allowed yourself to dream? There is power in stating your desires. Harness it! You’ll be surprised by how many of these things come to fruition after you simply acknowledge that you want them to.
Finally - set your sights on 2024. Pick a word that feels inspiring. Write intentions or resolutions. Create a pinterest mood board that you can revisit. Whatever feels right to you!
Preparing for resistance
If you have a few extra moments, brainstorm a few simple practices that you can lean on when you need a boost.
Self-care - what does it look like to rest, relax? What feels restorative when you need a break?
Imagination - what can you do to find joy and wonder? What will you do for fun?
Growth - Is there anything you’d like to learn? How can you challenge yourself when you feel stuck or stagnant?
Happy New Year
As we wrap up 2023, I want to thank you for your support and encouragement over these last few weeks as I move forward into a new chapter! May 2024 make all of our wildest dreams come true.
* Thanks to the inspirational leadership of Ariel Upton and Emily Moyer, who first introduced me to many of these practices.